It all started with a case of cabin fever. The winter of 2013 we decided to tap a few trees around the house. We hung 25 buckets on homemade taps. That first season we boiled our sap over a cinderblock fire pit which led to 4 ½ gallons of very dark smokey flavored syrup. We loved it enough to consider ourselves “bit by the sugar bug”.

The following year we designed & built our own homemade wood-fired arch producing a whopping quart of syrup an hour. We expanded our sugarbush to 200 buckets. Many, many hours have been spent out in the elements emptying buckets and gathering around the evaporator with family and friends. We’re always learning new tricks, making improvements, and overcoming the growing pains to produce the finest maple products we can.

Our family now hangs about 400 buckets and recently moved our evaporator indoors. While our hobby is continually evolving & we expand our variety of maple sweets & treats, our sincere dedication to assure you the highest quality of our products will always be our top priority.


The Rosser Family.

“Your Mom -n- Pop Maple Shop”